Global Considerations

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MDR Implementation Delay Recommendations

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, AdvaMed supports postponing the implementation of the In Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices Regulations until the situation has stabilized and all healthcare stakeholders can again dedicate the resources needed to properly implement the Regulations in a manageable way.

AdvaMed Staff Contact: Joe Gatewood

Other Trade Issues

AdvaMed Staff Contact: Ralph Ives

Country-Specific Resources


  • April 6, 2020 | Invest India’s Business Immunity Platform Report business continuity issues; connect with the government of India on COVID-19 solutions; get the latest government notifications related to the shutdown and efforts to fight COVID-19. 

AdvaMed Staff Contact: Abby Pratt

How Foreign Manufacturers of COVID-19 Products with FDA Approval Can Get on China’s Export White List

AdvaMed Staff Contact: Veronica McBride

Additional Global Resources

AdvaMed Staff Contact: Veronica McBride